(I know not the most flattering picture in my RV attire but Carsen took it of me so I am posting anyways;))
BOY WAS THIS A LONG DAY! We are still really not good at the RV thing. After deciding not to spend another night at Klamath River RV Park because it has too many rules and not close enough to any landmarks, we started on the road. We wanted to take the Avenue of the Giants on the Scenic Alternative Highway. Seasoned RVers might know that taking this route might require a dumping of black water (take a guess on what that holding tank may be). Twists, turns, and bumps cause a rolling Honey Bucket. Seriously those of you who know me best know how I feel about Port-a-potties, well today I spent HOURS in one. After stopping at the Immortal Tree and a huge hollowed out redwood (kids picture to follow). We continued our smelly but scenic ride down the Avenue to the Eternal tree house where Cord and the kids went to investigate and I stayed behind with the dogs. We next stopped at a winery on the Avenue called Riverbend Cellars of Humboldt County. They had a delicious Red Table Wine called Sasquatch, but their other wines didn’t impress us much very. Phew the smelly ride doesn’t bother me as much now. Finally we arrived at Redwoods River RV Resort in Leggett, CA for the night. Oh so we thought!

The resort had just lost power from a tree fall and they recommended that we continue on to the next park. The kids were SO upset because this RV Park looked like a giant treehouse play yard. They would have had so much fun there.
Since we still didn’t have cell phone reception yet, we had to take a chance on the RV Park, which was 2.5 hours away, having space for us (or getting reception). Mind you it was about 6pm when we arrived at Redwoods River River and most parks have a limit to when you can arrive, so thus taking another chance. We arrived at Russian River RV Resort in Cloverdale, CA around 8:30pm and they had a space for us!!! It was clean enough that we could shower (free hot showers away from our RV seemed luxurious). The kids even had enough time to make friends so they played tetherball while we threw dinner together.
Wow, exciting and smelly day!